كلية طب الاسنان
طب أسنان الأطفال، طب الأسنان الوقائي
Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
???? عنوان البحث: The Impact of Selected Fluoride Materials and Nd: YAG LASER on Dentine (In Vitro Study)
???? سنة النشر: 2019
???? المستوعب: Clarivate
???? رابط البحث: https://www.jrmds.in/articles/the-impact-of-selected-fluoride-materials-and-nd-yag-laser-on-dentine-in-vitro-study.pdf
Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry
???? عنوان البحث: Effect of Nd-YAG laser-irradiation on fluoride uptake by tooth enamel surface (In vitro)
???? سنة النشر: 2014
???? المستوعب: Scopus
???? رابط البحث: https://jbcd.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/jbcd/article/view/314
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
???? عنوان البحث: The Impact of Nd-YAG Laser on Salivary Streptococcus Mutans and Lactobacilli in Vitro.
???? سنة النشر: 2019
???? المستوعب: Scopus
???? رابط البحث: https://openurl.ebsco.com/EPDB%3Agcd%3A14%3A15237134/detailv2?sid=ebsco%3Aplink%3Ascholar&id=ebsco%3Agcd%3A140756611&crl=c&link_origin=scholar.google.com
Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry
???? عنوان البحث: The Impact of Selected Topical Fluoride Materials and Neodymium doped yttrium– aluminum–garnet LASER on Dentine and Some Salivary Bacteria (In Vitro Study)
???? سنة النشر: 2019
???? المستوعب: Scopus
???? رابط البحث: https://codental.uobaghdad.edu.iq/wp-content/uploads/sites/14/2021/03/The-Impact-of-Selected-Topical-Fluoride-Materials-and-Neodymium-doped-yttrium%E2%80%93-aluminum%E2%80%93garnet-LASER-on-Dentine-and-Some-Salivary-Bacteria.pdf