جامعة شفيلد
طب الاسنان
مواد الاسنان , تجديد الانسجة , المواد النانوية
1. Bioactive and Topographically-Modified Electrospun Membranes for the Creation of New Bone Regeneration
(Models( Processes-2020
2. (Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada-2020 )
Patterns of Maxillary Canine Impaction in Iraqi
3. Evaluations of Antimicrobial Properties of PVP/ZnO/Ag Nano-Fibers)
Fabricated by Electrospinning Method ) 2020-Annals of Biology
4. Electrospinning approaches for periodontal
(2019-regeneration: A review( Drug Invention Today
طبيبة اسنان ممارسة